
The Wonder Weeks

Domus Technica


Mô tả The Wonder Weeks

The world’s No. 1 baby app! Understand why your baby cries more at certain times, isn't himself or herself and... what you can do to help.

During our research, which began in 1971 with Jane Goodall and the chimpanzees in Tanzania, we discovered that babies are more prone to cry and to be clingy or cranky from time to time. This behavior was shown to be related to a leap in the baby's mental development. More specifically, babies go through 10 mental leaps in the first 20 months of their life. A leap may be tough, but it's a positive thing: it gives your baby the opportunity to learn something new.

Use The Wonder Weeks app to:
- See when a leap starts and ends thanks to a personalized leap schedule
- Be automatically notified when a leap is about to start
- Learn to recognize the leaps based on the various signals your baby gives
- Discover the new skills your baby develops with each leap
- Stimulate your baby's new skills with ...

Tính năng mới The Wonder Weeks

The BIGGEST update of "The Wonder Weeks" app ever!

Many people are quite overwhelmed by the leaps and all the other things that happen during the first 20 months after the birth of their baby. We noticed that people have real need for and draw a lot of support from being able to discuss their concerns with other people.

You are now able to do just that in our app thanks to the introduction of our own Community.

Get in touch with other people who have a baby, share your experiences, learn from others and, most of all, support each other!

Enjoy the new features!

Thông tin

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Phiên bản
Kích thước
129.05 MB
Khả năng tương thích
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch.Requires iOS 13.0+ or later.

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